Why hire WordPress plugin development company with updated knowledge?

WordPress has been adopted by the giants of the industry from such a long time because of the features and functionalities that WordPress has to offer to the users all around the world. It has been estimated that around 20% of the top 10 Million websites around the world are using WordPress as a CMS for the websites. It may also be reason that WordPress Plugin Development companies are in demand these days as clients are becoming aware of the infinite possibilities that come along with WordPress as a CMS. This CMS when downloaded from WordPress.org and suitable themes can … Continue reading Why hire WordPress plugin development company with updated knowledge?

Points to consider while choosing an ultimate WordPress theme

A WordPress theme is a pre-designed web page template that changes the website’s appearance and functionality. In short, WordPress Theme, contains several template files, which together create a graphical user interface design that is uniform at the bottom. These include style sheets (CSS), the image file includes a custom template files such as PHP required for the files in a custom page and several functions. Themes change website display to end-users without changing the basic WordPress functionalities. Points that you should keep in mind before choosing a WordPress theme: ● Understand the goals of the site and reflect on how … Continue reading Points to consider while choosing an ultimate WordPress theme

Why not to change WordPress themes much often?

We want to inform through this article that changing WordPress themes can be sometimes beneficial and at other times, very bad for your website. We do stress that the old themes of the website should be changed because the older themes are not made according to the latest technologies but newer themes are less prone to hacking. Continue reading Why not to change WordPress themes much often?